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PuzzGrid" />
/home/public/header.php on line 142
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/home/public/header.php on line 162
Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Thank you to the patrons who are chipping in to keep the site up! If you are one of our Patreon backers please sign in and we'll never show you ads. If you are not yet, why not back PuzzGrid for any amount?
"Parasit" isn't in the dictionary. Did you mean to write "site". Managed 7 despite the apparent mistake.
(6 years, 7 months ago)
Mistake on my part indeed. Hopefully it doesn't affect scores.
(6 years, 7 months ago)
My brain affected the score on this one! 2/10... just didn't twig. A deceptively challenging grid. Thanks
(6 years, 7 months ago)
A satisfying grid that came apart with time and effort. Thanks for setting. The missing 'e' kept my score to 7/10, though I'm not sure I would have found the final connection in any case.
(6 years, 7 months ago)
(4 years, 8 months ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455