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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Nice one! Good crossovers between all the categories. Needed to dredge up my school French.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Tough but fair (ish!) and lots of overlaps with the girls/flowers/fruits
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Too many potential solutions for me... I got 10 but was more a matter of clicking until finding the right combo.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Bit too much ambiguity.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Too much ambiguity can definitely ruin a board.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Nice. Unlike some i like the potential ambiguity. Approached logically, there could only be one correct solution. don't dumb down fpor the masses. 10/10.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
5/10 these more straightforward boards are harder for hardcore players.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Got it eventually. 3 of them could only be french colors and 2 of them could only be girls names then the fruits wre easy to deparate from the flowers
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Got nowhere. Lost in this sea of red fish.
(6 years, 6 months ago)
10/10 enjoyed but answers simpler than I was thinking - must try not to over complicate
(6 years, 6 months ago)
Popular girls names.. Aria?? Cherry??
(6 years, 6 months ago)
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