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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
I put "NETWORKS" for the "Television Stations" and was incorrect. They are Television Networks, not just stations.
(14 years, 1 month ago)
BBC is not a TV station, nor is it a television network. It's a broadcaster.
(13 years, 9 months ago)
i found this to be excellent!
it was totally satisfying to me.. despite being all just abbreviations.. which i usually dislike & find difficult. only issue i guess is that there weren't really any red herrings.. well perhaps not for me! hehe!
merci! ^_^
(10 years, 2 months ago)
very clever use of only small amounts of letters
(8 years, 12 months ago)
US presidents surely should be enough. It’s obvious that they’re initials!
(6 years, 9 months ago)
Nice grid. "top level domain names" should have worked though.
(6 years ago)
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