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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Love it! Loads of red herrings, really like bowl. I thought the leaf row was about the parts of a sword but that still helped me guess it.
Think China should have been allowed for Crockery.
(6 years ago)
Andy P
Wow very difficult. I scored 1/10, mainly thanks to a few terms I've never heard of in this context, so the red herrings ruined me. That's probably on me though and not you. Cheers!
(6 years ago)
Ingenious, but somehow unenticing!
(6 years ago)
Sid Kneebridge
Very clever- had me guessing rather than solving.
(6 years ago)
its apooling
(6 years ago)
1/10 for me to but it was such a good grid as I should have known all of it!
(6 years ago)
Very difficult but fair.
(6 years ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455
Think China should have been allowed for Crockery.