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lets get quizzical
absolutely outrageous to have one of the categories as red herrings... this is poor show and victoria coren-mitchell would be saddened tbh
(6 years ago)

Agree - a red herring category is weird.
(6 years ago)

Any of the herring group could be swapped, making it impossible to get the answer without a lucky guess.
(6 years ago)

A category which has it's entries fit into the others is known as a
r**-h**r**g. Would this be a good idea for an advanced wall on Only Connect or not...
(6 years ago)

No, no, no, no,no! That just makes it impossible to solve the grid! Give yourself a slap on the wrist and vow to do better next time!
(6 years ago)

All kinds of wrong
(6 years ago)

As already mentioned by several commenters, having a group whose connection is 'Red herrings for the other groups' makes this almost impossible to solve. The presidents group also feels far too specific to make it achievable. Some nice ideas, but not executed well enough to make this enjoyable.
(6 years ago)

Didn't accept correct answers. Fourth group was not a group. Very poor.
(6 years ago)

Categories, terms accepted, self-referential... none are very good, sorry.
(5 years, 5 months ago)



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