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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Yep, that's up there with you can tell me what I can have on my property when your pniayg the mortgage and taxes. Told someone that when I put a ham radio antenna tower of a mere 30ft with proper permits.My car is registerd and titled in my name (and formerly shared by the bank) I am the owner.Open the door without my permission and the charge is attempted auto theft. Therefore stay out of my private property. Some dorks need an education, failing that, to be vilified and publicly embarrassed. Eck!
(11 years, 9 months ago)
yfdVbz vlqjxuzbycgp
(11 years, 9 months ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455