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PuzzGrid" />
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/home/public/header.php on line 162
Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Couldn't find any connections so randomly hit 4 choices and got the horn (no pun intended). Hit 4 more and got thew news group. Did 4 more and found the anti's. All connections found in 12 random guesses.
(5 years, 3 months ago)
subconscious decision making! No such thing as an accident in the puzzgrid world- must have made sense on some level. Try it again with other grids, see what happens. :)
(5 years, 3 months ago)
Very good - enjoyed that!
(5 years, 3 months ago)
William Lowry
(5 years, 3 months ago)
(4 years, 8 months ago)
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