Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 56
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PuzzGrid" />
/home/public/header.php on line 142
&image=true" />
/home/public/header.php on line 162
Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
I'm so ashamed of myself. Carlisle should be Carmichael.
(5 years, 1 month ago)
Apart from the red herring that was an actual herring, that made full points impossible, the purple line should have probably accepted "afraid" as a connection, rather than "scarey", which was essentially one of the things being connected!
(5 years, 1 month ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455