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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
If I were to be really pedantic, and I often am, a case could be made to say that BOOT and FROST could be swapped and the grid solution would still work. (JACK BOOT and GOLDEN FROST) The latter being a Dragon Ball Z character. However I'm not going to point this out because I enjoyed the grid.
(5 years ago)
Excellent Grid, Aetees is one of the few puzzgrid compilers who always finds the right balance, so the grid is challenging but interesting. Well done!
(5 years ago)
Nice grid! Thanks
(5 years ago)
Mmmm. A very good grid. Enjoyable, challenging but doable. I think I’m a little bit in love with Aetees.
(5 years ago)
Good mix and twists, a fun grid
(5 years ago)
Yes-you done some gooduns! Killers fooled me completely :-/
(5 years ago)
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