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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Excellent. Threw me a couple of dummies as well as being a difficult one. Hard but fair.
(5 years ago)
Keir H
Boy, so many groups blindsided me. The fake "Pops" group especially well. However, for the "Selma" group, I typed in "twins" and it was correct, apparently. Don't know what happened there...
(5 years ago)
@ Keir – unable to explain that one, take the free point and run :)
(5 years ago)
(5 years ago)
Tough stuff, but very good. Thanks. The ‘pops’ red herring was my downfall.
(5 years ago)
genius "top of the" red herring- was that the starting point for writing this grid? some good crossovers. oscars knowledge was my downfall
(5 years ago)
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