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Using same clue twice was unnecessary with the amount of answers to choose from. Rest was OK though.
(5 years, 2 months ago)

Sam Winston
I liked the use of the same clue twice - good red herring.
There is one group with two possible linkes - the _Lands group arfe four of the five (I think) words in the English Language, which on this board is fairly distinct
(5 years, 2 months ago)

Brilliant- you're putting some older setters to shame! very well constructed, herringy and extremely satisfying to solve. Sam W I didn't understand your comment?
(5 years, 2 months ago)

Keir H
To Darksky: I did realise that using the same clue twice was problematic, but I put them in the same group to lessen the annoyance. Still, I recognize your concern.
To Lorna: A person thank you to all of the positive comments you've left on my walls. It really means a lot, kudos.
To Sam W: You lost me halfway through your comment.
(5 years, 2 months ago)

A Mary
Such a good time solving this grid. I got a little confused over finding
the identical set of clues, but ultimately it was just intelligently crafted to throw the puzzle solvers off :)
(5 years, 2 months ago)



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