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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Apologies- entry into the squares cocked up a bit- should still play the same but a bit distracting. Also apologies that this a particularly evil and fiendish one which will only appeal to about 3% of players, but hey :)
(5 years ago)
Didn't like it
(5 years ago)
This one was a bit much for me. Always good to see new types of clue though.
(5 years ago)
(5 years ago)
You've done some absurdly hard grids before, but this wasn't one of them. This was by far one of your easiest. I rated it very easy and struggle to see how it wasn't intended as easy. The only hard part was knowing which songs the notes were from but that didn't matter really.
(5 years ago)
yeah - I agree, I think its been rated as fiendish because people take a look and go "yuck" but it isn't actually that hard to disentangle- had the note entry worked ok I think people could have *maybe* worked out that it was the melodies from just looking at one and seeing the connection- I still think this was an OK initial idea and it was a LOT of work as I found the sheet music and amateurishly translated into the notes- it's a shame I squandered it on a crap grid- teach me to set them when I'm tired! ;)
(5 years ago)
jay emm
Loved it - your grids are fab. Too hard though.
(5 years ago)
Thanks jay emm- appreciate a bit of positive feedback! I am going to do some hard not fiendish grids but level tends to depend on the idea more than on what I set out to do! :)
(5 years ago)
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