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Can anyone really, 100% honesty here, even get started on grids like this? I mean I don't get half of them after seeing the answers.
(5 years ago)

Sorry if these are confusing- if you read the answers it explains that the words are completely unadulterated apart from moving one letter only. I really thought these would be dead easy, you just need to get your mind past the initial "whaaaa????" moment. A bit of spacing, caps and punctuation is all there is to camouflage some pretty straightforward grouping. Take another look, I hope people will enjoy these more once they get the thread and theme. :)
(5 years ago)

Was looking for a "devilish" category but couldn't find it.
(5 years ago)

Hi Chippy D- did you solve it? Explanation below might help, if not :)
(5 years ago)

I really like these, and I think they are a nice variation on an Only Connect theme of 'missing Vowels'. Just managed to solve this one in the time!
(5 years ago)

Glad you enjoyed, Mark. People either get these, or they don't. Like missing vowels, it plays with the way the brain recognises words.
(5 years ago)



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