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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
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Lorna - this is one for you! Hope it is not too much.
(5 years ago)
5/5 loved it! Difficult, ashamed to say I took 3 goes! I got stuck thinking perfect joy- joy stick! Really fair and obvious once you get it, just good well chosen groups. Cannot fault it, full points!
(5 years ago)
thanks Lorna :)
(5 years ago)
Not as difficult as Lorna suggests, but a good puzzle which gets you thinking.
(5 years ago)
Puzzles within puzzle - nice.
(5 years ago)
CorenM 4PM
Clever. Hotblack! Too soon :( He’s spending a year dead for tax reasons.
Got mixed up with iron (cross) hair and move (over) do, which would have worked in the groups.
Nice grid :)
(5 years ago)
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