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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Sorry, the U non U category doesn't really work for me but the other three groups were tricky.
(5 years ago)
Sneaky! Got caught up with the U2 links.
(5 years ago)
To be honest I am expecting a lot of people to hate that group- but all the more satisfying for those who do get it, hopefully.
(5 years ago)
I do indeed hate that group (U2, not the grid)
(5 years ago)
The Saviour's Day category was the first one I found. Not as nasty as you think, I'd imagine. (I am American, though, so maybe that's why it jumped out at me.)
(5 years ago)
thanks for the feedback ahay- some of mine have been too British for some American people who otherwise enjoy my grids, so I'm attempting to use some more universal references- I'm glad it worked for you- bit of a trick to that one but I agree I didn't think it was overly difficult- just a different way of looking at it? Enjoy :)
(5 years ago)
Connections were easier than the groups - good grid !
(5 years ago)
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