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Like a lot of grids with 16 names, not a unique solution I'm afraid.
(4 years, 10 months ago)

Ginny May
Too many proper names, could have had several solutions. And what is lander? Not my favourite grid, I'm sorry, but thank you for providing it nevertheless
(4 years, 10 months ago)

If you want to do a fiendish, make it a proper puzzle, rather than resort to obscurity
(4 years, 10 months ago)

It was fine Alex, critique a bit harsh for my blood, it's only a bit of fun peeps. (though 'flander' did throw me)
Thanks for posting and bring on your next one!
(4 years, 10 months ago)

The word clue was too contrived and i don't do eastenders or footballers, so not much for me here...
(4 years, 10 months ago)



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