Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 56

Warning: Undefined array key "mob" in /home/public/comments.php on line 64
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PuzzGrid" /> /home/public/header.php on line 142
&image=true" /> /home/public/header.php on line 162

Comments about
Warning: Undefined array key "mob" in /home/public/comments.php on line 227
Warning: Undefined array key "mob" in /home/public/comments.php on line 227

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/home/public/comments.php on line 239
" method="post">
/home/public/comments.php on line 246
" />
/home/public/comments.php on line 250
" />

Warning: Undefined array key "mob" in /home/public/comments.php on line 274


Good grid, a couple of good red herrings
Enjoyed this one, 10/10
(4 years, 10 months ago)

Good grid
(4 years, 10 months ago)

7/10 only - not accept singular of syn word. Enjoyed the grid very much Thank you
(4 years, 10 months ago)

5/10 sync group stumped me. Good grid ty
(4 years, 10 months ago)

Nice one! Well done!
(4 years, 10 months ago)

Good one. Thanks
(4 years, 10 months ago)

The last connection should say: "Can be succeeded by cheese"
(4 years, 10 months ago)

Cassedral City
Cass is top of the class.
She passed all her edams.
She got very gouda grades.
Brie-lliant! Grate job!
We're very fondue you.
(4 years, 10 months ago)

"Words in which the letter 'y' is the vowel" and "words meaning quiet" should have been acceptable answers for the third and first categories respectively.
(4 years, 5 months ago)

Y is a vowel, you douche
(3 years ago)



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