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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
highest market town is alston in cumbria, 200ft higher than hawes
(4 years, 5 months ago)
You're comment about looking it up sums up this puzzle. You shouldn't have to look up obscure answers that virtually nobody knows to solve the puzzle....and the word play (allegedly) combined with a hidden word is just dire.
(4 years, 5 months ago)
Pat: I haven't interjected to date as you have left one or two more complimentary comments on my grids, amongst the criticism, but- although fully aware that you are entitled to your own opinion which may differ vastly from mine, please remember that there is a real live human being on the receiving end, that you may be hurting their feelings, and that it's actually quite bad for YOU to be living in that head- space; I wouldn't enjoy it. I sincerely hope, with genuine best wishes, that you can learn to come to this website with a happier, "it's only a game" attitude, for your own sake as much as anyone else's. If you read some of the reply comments ever you will notice just what effect you're having on people. This is meant as kindly as possible but please do have a re- think- you're getting SOOO angry about stuff that other people enjoy- each to their own? :)
(4 years, 5 months ago)
@sallycap, hello. I took my info from www.yorkshire.com/places/yorkshire-dales/hawes. Seems their claims are erroneous. But then again Yorkshire folk believe Yorkshire IS England. Alston in Cumbria and Buxton in Derbyshire, both beautiful towns both claim highest at around 1,000ft. Sincere thanks for bringing this information to my attention. Regards St John😊👍
(4 years, 5 months ago)
Here, here!
(4 years, 5 months ago)
That's a spelling joke Pat!
(4 years, 5 months ago)
Grids are like a box of chocolates: you never know.... And that's the way I like it!! Grid setters, trick us, tickle us and bamboozle to your hearts content!
(4 years, 5 months ago)
Touchy lot aren't we?
(4 years, 5 months ago)
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