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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Damn your eyes woman! hehe. HIlda & Arthur "Mullard" your the one that I want, chasing Bakers all over the place and as for ASPIDISTRA -there is only one thought that comes into ones head when you see that. Loved it, loved it, loved it Thank you J - My score? 1/10 for "Tilly" naturally.
(4 years, 4 months ago)
I thought you might remember some of it - being 35 and all ; D
(4 years, 4 months ago)
CorenM 4PM
Famous Roses? Famous Allens? Rices - Jasmine and Vesta?! :)
Beat me hands down! Well played.
(4 years, 4 months ago)
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