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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Good grid - in danger of being -no offence - a tad cliched but the red herrings made sure that wasn't the case... MAKE MORE!
(4 years, 4 months ago)
excellent grid, really first class. missed Bass and drawer 5* thank you
(4 years, 4 months ago)
What's the other pronunciation of number?
(4 years, 4 months ago)
What's the other pronunciation of number?
(4 years, 4 months ago)
Rick B
Also on the Bassline you can remove the first letter to get another word
Nice n tricksy
(4 years, 4 months ago)
How else would you pronounce 'number'?
(4 years, 4 months ago)
@Kipah alt pronunciation is "nummer" as in "my mouth has gone numb, in fact it is number than before"
(4 years, 4 months ago)
Pronunciation set was hard.
Liked the reverses.
(4 years, 4 months ago)
Bass threw me for a moment as I was looking for other farm females! Fun grid- maybe could you accept homographs and semordnilaps? So many crossovers- great
(4 years, 4 months ago)
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