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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
I feel a right cluck. I thought it would be easy but I only got the crums. I couldn't find any good, which left me without a lady or even a pet, until the reveal.
(4 years, 6 months ago)
thanks for the laff Rick B
(4 years, 6 months ago)
Challenging but achievable, thanks.
(not familiar with hen)
(4 years, 6 months ago)
hen is used more in the north east and Scotland
(4 years, 6 months ago)
CorenM 4PM
Nice grid but I think P, C, hard, good and lady could be in either group so no unique solution. Liked the hen group which I kicked myself for missing! Thanks for submitting
(4 years, 6 months ago)
Good fun. Nice mix.
(4 years, 6 months ago)
Good fun. Nice mix.
(4 years, 6 months ago)
Good fun. Nice mix.
(4 years, 6 months ago)
Good fun. Nice mix.
(4 years, 6 months ago)
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