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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
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Good but needs to be revised. I really like the categories. The first category needs clearer answers ("food" really doesn't evoke "man vs. food" the way "capcom" does "marvel vs. capcom" - as someone who doesn't watch TV I'm surprised I even know what Man vs. Food is, whereas I've known people who don't play games who know about Marvel). The beer category is too amorphous - you have a well-known game, party slang, a quantity and a way of drinking in one cat. More specific beer party game clues (with more forgiving answers) would be more in the spirit of the game, I think. "Shot" is not an accepted answer for "basketball shots." Plus your game would appeal to more people if you changed "jelly" and "granny" to kinds of shots everyone would have heard of, though that's your preference.
(4 years ago)
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