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Dang... I meant homophones, not homonyms, and I don't have the email to edit this with as I did not enter one during creation. Sorry!
(4 years ago)

Anton du Bec
The homophones are terrible anyway... Two of them are a bit of a stretch.
(4 years ago)

"Stalking" is not a homophone of "stocking" in British English. The former has the same initial vowel as "port" and "sword", the latter has the same as "pot" and "sod".
"Sorry" is not a homophone of "sari". The former has the same initial vowel as "pot", "font", the latter has the same as "part", "fart".
(4 years ago)

Well said, Cancan. It doesn't work in American English either
(3 years, 11 months ago)



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