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Perfect, best yet I think. These pairings are 'pure class' but I agree with you about possible offence : D
(3 years, 6 months ago)

Confetti with 2 secs left. So many could have so many answers. My eye was caught first by Human/Teacher, so it took ages to get Biol out of my head.

I'm going to play the cheeky student who thinks they know better than universally respected teacher and say that to avoid giving offence, perhaps using 'old' or 'new' might help and maybe having Vulgar/Lover? Ducks behind desk ....
(3 years, 6 months ago)

Detention Obscurious!
(3 years, 6 months ago)

In my first messages I adopted online advice to not feed/engage the troll. Only puzzgrid could remove the habitat (the grid making). Communication needed to be clear and brief, IMO. I never expected comms from us within grids, because that would mean we potentially had to read troll grids with a nasty twist. When you started appearing I didn’t know if you were troll, or you following a new lead, not mine. I didn’t know how successful puzzgrid could be. I vascillated and worried constantly. Eventually I became ill and my family and doctor told me to stay off the site. I did for a while, but when I returned I just couldn’t read anything reliably. I saw multiple possibilities all the time. Mostly I was convinced most/all of you were trolls. So much more to this, I can’t explain it all. I still struggle with paranoia (for the first time BTW) and I just don’t know who some of you are. You think you were clear but it just wasn’t clear for me. ‘Never ‘goner’ give you up? ’ You, or a persistent stalker!! I took a leap of faith and I was shaking like a leaf. I’ll stay unless JMelb tells me that the consensus is for me to go. I can’t say how sorry I am.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

I'm sorry Obs. I shouldn't have said that. Your grid was a major turning point.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

@Ducky - Oh I am so sorry to hear this. I and many of us have been the subject of mean, nasty comments by a few loathsome people who take heartless pleasure in despoiling things, pulling wings of flies or obscene graffiti etc. Because it is easy to change ones setters name or use an existing setter to make false grids or apply comments, it is very difficult to say for sure who is who. I try to look at the style, content and level of competency and play along. Jmelb knows many (not all) of my identities. J has also morphed a few times. If you wish I list ALL mine and be clear. However the MOST important thing is your health and well being. If you need to leave again for that sake, then do so. Know that you have PuzzGrid friends.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

*will list
(3 years, 6 months ago)

Oh my goodness, this makes me so sad. Don't leave please. I understand the annoyance of trolls, having put up with them here (along with a couple of other undeserving souls.) In fact that is why
I have to change names occasionally - because I find the criticism too harsh. Happily it doesn't take my 'band of brothers' too long to work it out. There are some here who's comradeship (and grids) I enjoy and so I stick around. If it is all too hard for you, then take a break but please trust that there are many here who are genuine boring people - just like me!
(3 years, 6 months ago)

hear hear J
(3 years, 6 months ago)

Thank-you. Boris (who is real) told me not to show weakness, but I couldn't not say what happened. I don't need a list for you stjohn:) It was paranoia that built up over the last month and will just take time to get over. I'd like to know who you think any remaining trolls are, but it might not be a good idea to say? I'll just muddle along.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

If I have caused any concern at all I am deeply sorry Ducky. For your comfort, I am no more, no less than a great admirer of your grids and have been so as Foxy, Alien and Rick.

I always comment to show appreciation in my 'attempt to be humorous' way.

Please keep posting as I can still enjoy without comment if that suits you. Wishing you well without any need for further engagement, again if that suits. If there's any other way I can help, I'll try.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

I know who you are now, Obs, it's Ok. I just needed to explain how I got into such a sorry state. I would miss your comments. I'm so sorry.
(3 years, 6 months ago)

@Ducky, I am quite relieved you do not need a list of my alter egos as I believe the comment's box is limited to 5000 characters :-)
(3 years, 6 months ago)

Hey Obscurious, hope you know my comment was an attempt at humour.
And stj, maybe you are not giving me enough credit with your names lol!
Ducky you are a great gridder and a nice person x
(3 years, 6 months ago)

ps I could name some trolls but its not wise to give them airspace
(3 years, 6 months ago)

@ Ducky - thanks, I'd miss the interaction too. And I do understand the need to explain.

@ Jmelb - I set up the gag, you delivered the punchline.
(3 years, 6 months ago)



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