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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Great fun, thanks. I don't follow that sport either (or many others), but he was indeed famous enough for me to have heard of.
(3 years, 6 months ago)
Richard Feemington
Hi, I feel you need to accept "dynasties" as an answer for the set about Chinese Imperial Dynasties.
(3 years, 6 months ago)
Enjoyed that, TY. 5*
(3 years, 6 months ago)
david A garcia
Et cetera is etc. Also look up the term solfege as an acceptable alternative answer to the wordy one you used. Rey and Han were good red herrings, though
(3 years, 6 months ago)
Agree with Richard, also "notes" for the Julie Andrews bit. Duh!
(3 years, 6 months ago)
Heather Fyffe
I said "dynasties" and that was incorrect... I agree with the other comment that that should be accepted
(3 years, 6 months ago)
the best one of the day! good one to do during lunch breaks
(3 years, 6 months ago)
answer should also be homophones for musical notes
(3 years, 6 months ago)
Lucy b
Fun! Thanks
(3 years, 6 months ago)
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