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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Haha, I almost didn’t get the last connection but I knew Fifth and then said Letsby in my head and laughed and imagined your mirth when you thought of it 😄 Fast fun grid!
(3 years, 4 months ago)
I love the Walls by this compiler. But I do have lodge a small protest at 'Ave Maria'. As Ave has a completely different meaning here, i.e. not short for Avenue, it's a bit of a stretch.
(3 years, 4 months ago)
The stretch is the beauty and is what makes me smile 😄 By that stage you’ve probably got the other three groups so this has a couple of silly ones. Were you not bothered by Letsby? 😂
(3 years, 4 months ago)
Nice one. A little on the easy side. Completed it in 1 minute. keep going just my kind of grid
(3 years, 4 months ago)
Good grid, not too hard.
(3 years, 4 months ago)
Mike Wakeman
Good grid, did wonder about Maria Avenue.
(2 years, 2 months ago)
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