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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Enjoy these missing vowels grids, but... not all are missing in this grid.
You win 10 - 6
Thanks for posting
(3 years ago)
Oops shoul have read the answers first !!!
Apologies, red face.
(3 years ago)
Good fun, nice and simple to solve once I recognise one or two from each group. I didn't even really see exactly what had been removed, but they just fell in place in about a minute. Thanks
(3 years ago)
was confused at first about 'he earth' thinking it should have been eath, but i see you omitted the first word. still never heard of it. when i see mono brow, the rest fell in quickly although i had cold mountain in mind for a while. very enjoyable. did i play it first time around?
(3 years ago)
I don't remember? the monobrow lol : D
(3 years ago)
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