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Nice one
(3 years ago)

Nice grid, but there is a major error in the comedy duos clues. The word Large is given as a clue instead of either Laurel or Hardy. Please edit that.
(3 years ago)

Very tough for anyone not from the UK. The issue is not with the grid, but the text of the solution. Large is still a valid set member, but Laurel and Hardy were given instead of Little and Large.
(3 years ago)

Thank you Stephan, I changed my mind and forgot to rectify
(3 years ago)

ditto Gordash
(3 years ago)

A peg and a tee are the same thing
(3 years ago)

D.Ceeving - actually - no they are not. The tee is the prepared surface used at the start of the hole, the peg [which can only be used on the tee] is often called a tee peg or peg. FORE!
(3 years ago)

Quick one!
(3 years ago)



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