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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Quick tip if you're not aware: when you enter the acceptable answers, it's almost always best to truncate each term. Try to include only the minimum amount of letters that gives you 95% confidence that the player has the right answer(s) in mind.
For instance, instead of "orders" in this puzz, it's probably better to use 'order' or just 'ord' (as long as someone uses a word starting with ord, it's marked correct). This makes typos and players guessing your 100% preferred answer less important.
Regardless, great puzzle here!
(3 years ago)
Ms terry
You are right. And normally I do leave off plurals (under other monikers). Just got a bit distracted but I do realise how annoying it is - sorry!
(3 years ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455
For instance, instead of "orders" in this puzz, it's probably better to use 'order' or just 'ord' (as long as someone uses a word starting with ord, it's marked correct). This makes typos and players guessing your 100% preferred answer less important.
Regardless, great puzzle here!