Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 56
Warning: Undefined array key "mob" in /home/public/comments.php on line 64 Warning: Undefined array key "titular" in /home/public/header.php on line 139
/home/public/header.php on line 140
PuzzGrid" />
/home/public/header.php on line 142
&image=true" />
/home/public/header.php on line 162
Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Good grid nice spread.
One nit pick though.
Only one William was British, the rest were English.
As were the rest in the group, two born in France.
You win by lots
Thanks for posting
(2 years, 4 months ago)
Nice - thank you
(1 year, 10 months ago)
Warning: Undefined array key "noheader" in /home/public/comments.php on line 455
One nit pick though.
Only one William was British, the rest were English.
As were the rest in the group, two born in France.
You win by lots
Thanks for posting