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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
The Baseball question should have accepted the New York Yankees as an answer as they all played for the Yankees.
(2 years ago)
Nice grid but another one I felt with the wrong flag. The "The Morning" one is VERY obscure and as for Koufax ...
(2 years ago)
Merilee Rush, Juice Newton and The Pretenders may not agree it is an obscure song. Was top 10 and also Grammy nominated. Sandy Koufax is well known in baseball and was Sportsman of the Year.
Good point about Yankees Cordova, will add that.
(2 years ago)
Noice !
(2 years ago)
Only 6, good one,
(2 years ago)
Loved the Death group. Thought the Koufax group had one too many steps of logic between the clues and the answer.The homophones group is a bit of a stretch, and at least one of them definitely isn't a homophone of the word specified in the explanation.
(2 years ago)
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