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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Free & Thor are homophones for numbers ?? Spoils an otherwise good wall.
(2 years ago)
Sid Kneebridge
Fun grid.
(2 years ago)
Do you know what a homophone is? The word doesn't mean 'sounds vaguely like, if you imagine a severe speech impediment'
(2 years ago)
Enjoyed the grid, thank you, but I agree with other comments that the homophones don't work. Ruins it a bit.
(2 years ago)
Eye fink did iz a gud warl fanks
(2 years ago)
As others have said, this is a bit ridiculous.
(2 years ago)
Clever crossovers that's the whole point the crossovers Mike!
(2 years ago)
Interesting ideas, but the homophones aren't homophones, so it's not a valid group. An ok grid apart from that.
(2 years ago)
@superdolly, what's clever about clues that are wrong?
(2 years ago)
I have to agree that the homophones aren't homophones. Maybe only if you've got a heavy urban street London accent which does pronounce "th" like "f", but that's not good enough for a wall connection.
(1 year, 9 months ago)
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