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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Stephen toyshop - a fish ladder is built into a weir on a river, so that fish- mostly salmon and trout, can reach the upper areas of the river to spawn!
(1 year, 12 months ago)
Terms at Oxford is wrong. Terms at British Universities is possibly correct. Michaelmas, Hillary, Trinity at Oxford and Michaelmas, Lent, Easter at Cambridge, don’t include’Summer’
(1 year, 11 months ago)
Would have been quite good, but made a little too challenging because it's basically wrong. There are only three terms in the academic year at Oxford - Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity. Cambridge has three terms Michaelmas, Lent and Easter. Neither one has a 'summer' term. If Trinity or Easter had been in the group, you could have got away with 'Oxbridge' or ''Oxford and Cambridge'.
(1 year, 11 months ago)
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