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Nice grid, great groups well constructed. The Europa group is all people raped by Zeus, as well. Apart from that,a really good grid.
(1 year, 10 months ago)

Jupiter’s moons beyond the Galilean ones are all named ( where they have names) using a system relating to descendants of Zeus and Jupiter (with one exception which was a lover of Jupiter I think ) - there are automatically non Jupiter’s moon related connections because of the way the naming system works.

They almost completely overlap Greek mythology as a result

It’s also a very big set - 90 plus moons many of which are now named

I fluked on it really - it just became a mathematical guessing game only possible by resisting the temptation to select the two obvious groups

Definitely a fiendish - but not five stars from me - close but not quite because of the above

(1 year, 10 months ago)

Mike Greatlegs
I spelled Lightning wrong. My bad.
(1 year, 10 months ago)

A rare 10! But only if I'd spelt the Rod group correctly. So a mere 7.
(1 year, 9 months ago)



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