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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Itch and aix are certainly not homophones of H and X.
(9 years ago)
Ben Doon
I accept, Jim, that 'H' may also be pronounced 'aitch' but 'Aix' (pronounced 'eks') is incontrovertible.
(9 years ago)
sorry but homophones just not right. rest of it very clever
(9 years ago)
"Aix" is not pronounced the same as "eks" though.
Scottish people should never do homophones because their accent is ridiculous.
(9 years ago)
Ben Doon
Have a listen to this 'ridiculous' French accent, Jim:
(9 years ago)
I haven't looked at your video because it's not a link but ok I understand it's a French town, fair enough. Still H is absolutely never pronounced "itch", and Ben Doon doesn't sound like "bend down" either.
(9 years ago)
Didn't like the homophones group but the Hazard group was very clever!
(9 years ago)
It was a bit of fun quite well put together and it has created a bit of interest. We're all winners!
(9 years ago)
Ben Doon
Jimbo! I agree entirely that 'Ben Doon' does not sound like 'bend down' and did not suggest it does. So, how on earth have you come to make that entirely spurious connection? Come on, you old rascal, come clean - you think it does, don't you?
(9 years ago)
I assumed you had some kind of speech impediment, like a Scottish accent or something. So where is it that they pronounce H as "itch" then?
(9 years ago)
Ben Doon
Jimbo, how on earth do you know I have a speech impediment? I'm unable to pronounce 'f' or 'th'. You must be psychic and I can't say fairer than that.
(9 years ago)
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