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Very clever grid.
(9 years ago)

Bad doll
Indeed it is!
(9 years ago)

But again mainly just anagrams with no connections, meanings or red herrings unless I have misunderstood the idea of this?
(9 years ago)

Bad doll
No,try again, Tricky?
(9 years ago)

quality grid- got 2 of them and guessed there was prob an anagram (funnily enough) but couldn't get it
(9 years ago)

I was LITERALLY listening to THE MASTERPLAN (the SONG NOT EVEN THE ALBUM - ROFL!!!) when i solved the Oasis link. So that was a really wonderful start. The oxymorons - A*.
As for the rest, oh dear. A real let down after such a strong opener.
Must try harder.
(5 years, 11 months ago)



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