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possibly the worst one i've done. Feedback: Homophones- good concept but visage is spelt correctly, so doesn't really work, especially considering you've added extra words- would have been better if it had just neigh, boosh, and mann. The people against Waterloo is quite obscure and just too much. Well done for trying, something just not right about it.
(1 year, 7 months ago)

Complaints from other users notwithstanding, the logic is faultless, just too difficult for us mere mortals. I failed on Harry Lime (I just don't know the plot) Also on wrongly reading Ultravox as belonging in the Vienna group. You beat me fair and square and I applaud that!
(1 year, 7 months ago)

film buff
Really good and really tough. TY
(1 year, 7 months ago)



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