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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Great concept! I couldn't quite get them all but I loved the idea
(1 year, 7 months ago)
Bravo should precede or follow the clue words. Should be one or the other.
Bet shouldn’t be capitalized if it needs to follow Alpha
(1 year, 7 months ago)
Disagree about capitalisation above. The advice is always capitalise the words.
I loved the concept, but really struggled separating Bravo and Delta.
(1 year, 7 months ago)
Also disagree with Billy - everything should always be capitalised unless for a good reason! Bravo was the toughest, I actually found delta and charlie to be the easiest ones. Thanks for a jolly good grid
(1 year, 7 months ago)
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