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Play online connecting walls inspired by Only Connect. Thousands of grids, with more added every day.
Maybe just a little unfair, but not complaining - very, very well done
(14 years ago)
[should watch his language]
(14 years ago)
And a merry christmas to you scoot!
This one was not supposed to be easy, but despite what the delightful scootlboot's thoughtful comment might lead you to believe it is not impossible and fulfils the rules of the game.
(14 years ago)
Awesome! (I failed utterly)
(14 years ago)
Aw come on! Let's not start this.
No reason to censor. It's a slippery slope, it is. If the drunk wants to say "cunt", let him. The word will not kill or in any way mentally scar _anyone_; and it only goes to further illuminate the drunk's frustrated and dull-witted character to post such an inarticulate criticism. Not because the word "cunt" is or (or evil) but as a critique? a single word? I'll give you a single word: pathetic.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Nice 16-word connection
(13 years, 12 months ago)
The word is not dangerous, merely inappropriate in the context of a family-friendly puzzle site. Just as it would be inappropriate in a job interview. It's a slippery slope, but I've got decent grip so I think we'll be OK.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
The links in the grid are still pretty weak (whatever language is used im response).
(13 years, 12 months ago)
well least scoot was stimulated enough to respond. lets see you do better Billy!
(13 years, 12 months ago)
elgrippa - You stink!
(13 years, 12 months ago)
puzzGrid, I utterly stand by my point, but would now like to ramp-down the vehemence towards you. While seeking to demonstrate that words are only powerful in a relative sense and all of them are useful, I perhaps applied one too many "strong" words: "bullshit argument" as to your reasoning; let me say instead "fallacy" as I'm not convinced that you were trying to bullshit anyone. :)
(13 years, 12 months ago)
As the one who stimulated the original offending comment, (and seems to be doing so again with Billy's thoughtful, considered and as it happens very accurate response) let me be the one to pull the veil and end this thread.
Censorship is acceptable in some circumstances - racism for example should be excluded from this forum - and since puzzGrid had the decency to create this remarkably open site for those of us who enjoy such things I for one support his/her decision to remove what he/she considers might offend.
Happy new year!
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Hal Sutton
Free speech should be encouraged not censored. I think puzzGrid is wrong in this instance. Apart from a few bad apples this site/forum is generally quite decent and should remain so.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Thanks elgrippa (and Ryan), as you say: veil drawn.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Veil not drawn.
Thread not ended.
I hesitate to call this "let me be the one to pull the veil and end this thread" an insidious attempt at censorship in itself, but it certainly would play out that way.
This needs to be continued especially in the light of the ~closing~ remarks...
Racism, too, is not to be censored. This is another bad argument.
Let a racist expose his idiocy. And let it be seen by all. Anyone who wonders what the hell is going on can then get a good look at the idiocy and learn to deal with it.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Freedom to express opinions is important. However if you go into any restaurant and start shouting obscenities you will be ejected.
I have also been rampantly censoring hundreds of spam ads for pharmaceutical products posted here and I don't apologise for that either. If a key feature you look for in a puzzle site is the ability to swear in comments without moderation then you may want to move elsewhere. (Sorry).
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Okay, now you are just spouting bullshit.
If you went into a restaurant and started shouting _anything_ you would be ejected. No one is shouting anything and this isn't a restaurant. This is a section of the site that solicits comments. And some fool said "cunt" and you made special case out of that and started pretending that this was a "family-friendly" (crypto-moralizing nonsense if ever there need be an example) site, a job interview, and now a restaurant...
And this snideness about a "key feature", how patronizing.
You're f*****g wrong about this. That's why you have to keep coming up with these weak arguments.
This isn't a restaurant, no one is shouting, this isn't an interview, deleting spam isn't censorship, the ability to "swear" isn't a "feature" I'm looking for. The ability to have everyone be able to express themselves in the comments section without you coming in at the behest of others or upon your own whims and deciding that "cunt" is a problem where "muff" is just right.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
I think you miss the point of my *analogies*. I'm not saying that this is a restaurant, nor a job interview. This is a group of people having a conversation. Like any other group there are rules for conducting such conversation. From time to time they will not be respected and so be enforced. Now you may object that the rules are not clearly laid out anywhere and perhaps that's something I should address.
I'm not crypto-moralizing, whatever that means. Have you seen the grids which seem to be a French teacher teaching his kids? I'd rather they didn't have to put up with language like that.
Expressing oneself without vulgarity is a skill I know we all possess and I'd appreciate it if people used it here. If that is not possible then please stop using the site, in which I have invested a great deal of time and effort.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
I'm not not missing a thing. You are acting arbitrarily (as is always the case when tossing about words like "vulgarity" and "swear" and "bad language").
It's as simple as that and you know it.
You may not be forthright enough to be able to admit it at this point, but that is up to you. So far all you've done is continue to put forth your bad "analogies" and other nonsense.
Now we have the revelation that "like any other group there are rules for conducting such conversation," which is just more bullshit.
And, now, you are worried about the French language "kids"; I'm f***ing positive they don't need you or any other wordmaster deciding what "horrific" words they should or shouldn't be "putting up with".
And now you've censored my previous post by doing the "adult" thing and protecting the kiddies from F***ING by "cleverly" hiding it with some asterisks.
And now it is a skill (a skill we "all" possess, which would be no skill at all) to refrain from using this "vulgarity" you subjectively fear.
And, now, you'd like me to go away because I am pointing out your foolishness -- pleading ruination of all the time and effort you've put in...
Why don't you consider being upstanding? Admit you have been wrong about this censorship.
Or you can kow-tow to the f***ing morons of the world.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Yes, all censorship is in a sense 'arbitrary' in that the cut off point is a matter of personal taste. The judgement is the administrator's to make. Why don't you consider censorship of spam to be arbitrary? I'm sure the spammers are extremely keen to express themselves.
I wish you would tell me why my analogies don't work. Why do you accept that you can't swear in a court room but not that you can't do so here? You have thrown a lot more expletives at me than arguments.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Michael Buffer
If this were a boxing contest then I'm sorry puzzGrid but you would've just lost unanimously on points. And, NEW... HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... RYYYYYAAAAN!!!!
(13 years, 12 months ago)
What was the comment (in full) that started all this? Just intrigued that's all.
(13 years, 12 months ago)
The entire comment was four characters, beginning with C and ending in T. You didn't miss much. :)
(13 years, 12 months ago)
Happy New Year PuzzGridders! Scooootleboooot!
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(12 years, 8 months ago)
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